이 글은 해볼거 다 해볼건 다해봣다!!
생각하신 분들을 위한 글입니다.
이 글을 보고 꼭 해결 하시기 바랍니다.
2018/06/08 - [PangPang] - 롤 팅김 문제로 곤혹...
프로그램 출처 : https://blog.naver.com/butggot1004
일단 롤 설치폴더안에 log 파일들이 있을텐데요
참고 해주시기 바랍니다.(본문 하단 참고)
클라이언트에서는 이상없이 모든기능들이 잘 작동합니다.
게임 시작시 게임내 1분동안 특이사항이 없습니다.
1분 10초 즈음 바탕화면으로 튕김
클라이언트 종료해야만 재접속 가능
재접속시 화면이 1초정도 보이고 바로 튕김
롤 재설치
윈도우 재설치
하드디스크 교체
공유기 교체
MAC ADRESS 변경 후 테스트 결과 해결
위 프로그램으로 랜카드 지정 후 원하는
숫자 또는 영문을 넣어 교체 후
테스트를 진행해 보시기를 바랍니다.
예} 00-00-00-00-00-01
랜카드와 MAC을 보는방법은 윈도우키+ R키 cmd 입력 후 getmac -v
밑에 로그는 그냥 참고만 하시기를 바랍니다.
포맷 후에 2게임 테스트 진행해서 나온 LOG 인데
1게임 참고 될만한 로그 남겨 드립니다.
로그 사실 잘 모르겠습니다...
롤 튕김문제 해결 꼭 되셨으면 좋겠네요
후기로... 제생각에는 뭔가 라이엇서버에서 맥이 차단되엇지 않나 싶네요..
GameLogs - NETLOG
2018-05-22T18-49-29: LogOut_File: : logfile started
2018-05-22T18-49-29: Net Status: low-level initialize success.
2018-05-22T18-49-29: Note: this version (1/29/2017) has new data fields added
2018-05-22T18-49-29: time = time since start of game in ms.
2018-05-22T18-49-29: address = address of IP address
2018-05-22T18-49-29: incoming = total size of messages set to me in bytes. Spikes can indicate lag.
2018-05-22T18-49-29: outgoing = total size of messages set from me in bytes. Spikes can indicate lag.
2018-05-22T18-49-29: app_ctos = client to server bytes delta excluding overheads (app data only)
2018-05-22T18-49-29: app_stoc = server to client bytes delta excluding overheads (app data only)
2018-05-22T18-49-29: loss = number of packets lost. Can indicate lags. Some node on the network is dropping packets or taking to long and we have to resend them.
2018-05-22T18-49-29: sent = number of packets sent. Spikes can indicate lag.
2018-05-22T18-49-29: ping = how long it takes for a packet to get back and forth. Spikes can indicate lag.
2018-05-22T18-49-29: variance = how much the ping is changing from avg ping. Spikes can indicate lag.
2018-05-22T18-49-29: reliable delayed = This occurs when we drop reliable packets from sending this frame because we are sending to much data. Unreliable are more likely to be dropped than reliable.
2018-05-22T18-49-29: unreliable delayed = This occurs when we drop unreliable packets from sending this frame because we are sending to much data.
2018-05-22T18-49-29: app update delayed = This occurs when the app is taking to long to run code caused by network packets (ie CPU) and packets are delayed until the next frame
2018-05-22T18-49-29: Time spent in critical section (frame) = This is the time the network thread is blocking the main thread from doing anything.
2018-05-22T18-49-29: Latency in Window = The average Latency in ms. of Reliable packets during this time slice
2018-05-22T18-49-29: Packet Loss % in Window = The packet loss % of Reliable packets during this time slice
2018-05-22T18-49-29: Jitter in Window = The average Jitter in ms. of Reliable packets during this time slice
2018-05-22T18-49-29: Overall Latency Min = The lowest Latency seen in ms. of Reliable packets up to this point in time
2018-05-22T18-49-29: Overall Latency Max = The largest Latency seen in ms. of Reliable packets up to this point in time
2018-05-22T18-49-29: Latency Min in Window = The lowest Latency seen in ms. of Reliable packets during this time slice
2018-05-22T18-49-29: Latency Max in Window = The largest Latency seen in ms. of Reliable packets during this time slice
2018-05-22T18-49-29: Latency packet samples = number of packets used in determining average latency from start of game
2018-05-22T18-49-29: Jitter packet samples = number of packets used in determining average jitter from start of game
2018-05-22T18-49-29: reconnect = flag to indicate one or more reconnects occurred
2018-05-22T18-49-29: [time], [address], [incoming], [outgoing], [app_ctos], [app_stoc], [loss], [sent], [ping], [variance], [reliable delayed], [unreliable delayed], [app update delayed], [Time spent in critical section (frame)], [Latency in Window], [Packet Loss % in Window], [Jitter in Window], [Overall Latency Min], [Overall Latency Max], [Latency Min in Window], [Latency Maxin Window], [Latency packet Samples], [Jitter Packet Samples],[reconnect]
2018-05-22T18-51-04: Memory Allocations
Current Allocations = 44
Total Allocations = 11309
Max Allocations = 280
Out of Pool Allocations = 150
Out of Pool dealloc = 147
2018-05-22T18-51-04: LogOut_File: : logfile stopped
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